Shopping Mania has begun...
With the Grand Opening of Paragon Outlets in Livermore today, I found myself
driving to the new shopping center...just like thousands of other people. As I walked through the outdoor mall, and checked out a store here or there, I was
asking myself why I felt the desire to be here among all of these people. There was a sense of the upcoming holiday season in every store window, and a spirit of joy among the crowd, which was helped by the free peppermint chocolate from the Ghiradelli Factory Outlet.
What is the driving force behind this mania to go to such a place on opening day? Is it fueled by relief that the election is finally over, and we no longer have to see negative campaign ads? Or is it the reality that there are only 47 shopping days left until Christmas. Maybe its the contagion of people spending money to buy gifts for others (or themselves) that is enticing. But maybe, just maybe it is just wanting to be in the know as to what shops there are, and what the hot trends seem to be.
All I know is it was enjoyable being part of a group of devoted shoppers of all ages and locations. I did manage to find a few gift items, but if the line was long I had no trouble setting things back on their racks and walking out the door. Given that the parking was out in a field, and there were many CHP traffic officers to direct the continuous stream of cars off of 580, no one really seemed to mind the wait. That patience will most likely wear thin in the coming weeks, but for today everyone was all smiles.
Great read. It's places like this that just make me want to get out in the woods and take a nice hike without a soul in sight! Thanks for the read mommy!