Friday, August 10, 2012

New Life has Arrived!!!

                                                                  New Life has Arrived!

I am still wrapping my mind around the arrival into this world of our second grandchild. Baby Mary arrived last evening (East Coast time), and weighed in at 7  pounds 9 ounces! She is so beautiful!!! Whoever said that all newborns look like Winston Churchill needed their eyes is simply not true!

There is much more to be contemplated upon, and said in this blog on the awesome gift and responsibility of parenthood, but for now I think it is best just to savor these first few days after Mary's birth, and let it soak in that she is here at last!

This is a time of transformation for family and friends, as we are faced with the miracle of birth and new life. New parents are going through a tranformation as they adjust to new the new demands and schedules that a baby seems to bring with them. 

I wonder what Mary's'  personality and temperament will be. Will she be a sleeper, or awake day and night? How will she magically wrap each one of us around her tiny finger? How wonderful it is to fall in love with a baby! The adventure is just beginning!


1 comment:

  1. I heard the news through the grapevine (lol, Elisabeth) and I'm so happy for all the Reds! Although I don't know Kerry and Ryan personally, I'm sending my love and prayers to the lucky parents of Mary!!! :)
