Kathy at Half Moon Bay
Life is like the ocean. It has periods of calm, and then tremendous turmoil. The
waves seem to wrestle with each other on their way to the shore, like siblings
fighting over a toy.
There are some lessons to be learned by meditating on the ocean. Much as
treasures are tossed onto the sandy beach from deep beneath the surface
of the sea, so too, if we pay attention, there are gems of knowledge and
understanding that this jewel of nature can convey to each one of us.
The ocean, by nature, is constant, yet ever changing. There is a certain
rhythmic pattern created by the waves that is transmitted aurally and visually.
It brings us back to our beginnings, and resonates within the deep recesses of
our being.
This drumbeat of nature mimics the heartbeat of the mother, heard as it was/is
through layers of fluid.Is the auditory nerve the earliest formation of the
embryo? This primordial-like connection with the ocean can be traced back
to the womb. The earliest connections are the strongest, and are the ones
we seek out. The comfort that the ocean's sounds provide have no equal.
The connection within, that was forged long ago, soothes the spirit.
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